Support JCUA’s 6oth anniversary campaign!

JCUA mobilizes the Jewish community to pursue justice. Rooted in Jewish values and history, we organize with the understanding that our safety as Jews is bound up in the safety of our neighbors — that the work to end antisemitism is deeply connected to the work to end all forms of racial and economic injustice.

In recognition of our JCUA’s 60th anniversary, we’ve launched the Makom 60 campaign to propel our mission forward. ‘Makom’ means place, a safe haven, and the divine presence; it embodies our longstanding commitment to make Chicago and Illinois a true home for all.

Through Makom 60, JCUA is expanding our fight for a multiracial democracy where Jews and all of our neighbors are safe. In the next year, we are raising crucial funds to grow our impact in three key areas:

  • Education: Empowering individuals and communities with the tools to confront antisemitism, anti-Blackness, Islamophobia and other forms of oppression.
  • Community Building: Fostering deep relationships across the Jewish community and with our diverse neighbors.
  • Grassroots Organizing: Advancing people-powered campaigns for racial and economic justice.

By supporting Makom 60, you are building JCUA’s power to make transformative change. Help us ensure that Jews and all of our neighbors have the safety, dignity, and resources we need to flourish.

Note that all contributions to Makom will be matched dollar-for-dollar! If you have any questions, please contact Brian Gladstein, Deputy Director at

Support Makom 60

Become A Sustainer

Fuel our work for multiracial democracy by becoming a monthly, recurring donor to JCUA.

Community Circle

Make a transformative gift to JCUA and join a group of changemakers dedicated to building a multiracial democracy in Chicago and Illinois.

Join us for Organizing 101

This annual training led by JCUA staff and members is a great opportunity to practice core organizing skills, get a better understanding of our methods of social change, and connect with members.

New Member Orientation

Dive deep into JCUA’s history and present at our New Member Orientation on Wednesday, 9/25. Learn how your skills can contribute to our collective pursuit of justice.

Seeing The Unseen

“How JCUA is revealing the potential for change in Chicago” by Rabbi Steven Philp. Read here.

Areas of Impact

Staff contact:

Brian Gladstein
Deputy Director