Upcoming Events
JCUA stays busy! Join us for an upcoming committee meeting, training, special event, coalition gathering, and more.
Jewish Holiday
Evanston Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Beth Emet The Free Synagogue 1224 Dempster St, Evanston, ILAll are welcome on Thursday evening, May 25, beginning at 6:30 pm, as multiple Evanston communities will again join together under the banner of “One Jewish Evanston” to celebrate the beginning of Shavuot. At 9:45pm, learn with JCUA Housing Justice Fellow Sam Rose and JCUA member Rabbi Suzanne Griffel about class and the Jewish community. […]
Ometz Lev Sukkot Lunch
Sukkah in EvanstonOmetz Lev is JCUA's affinity space for those of us who have faced financial or structural barriers to participation in Jewish communal or ritual life. We are committed to channeling our personal stake in housing and economic justice issues into a more just world for everyone and a more inclusive Jewish community. Join us on Sunday October […]
Building a Greener IL: Sukkot and the IL Green New Deal Coalition
Am Shalom 840 Vernon Ave, Glencoe, ILJoin JCUA's North Suburban Organizing Team and Am Shalom for an educational evening about Sukkot and the IL Green New Deal Coalition - a campaign that is seeking to build, and expand support for, green, affordable housing in IL. Register here.
JCUA Hanukkah Party
Sketchpad 4411 N Ravenswood, Chicago, IL, United StatesRegister here.