Upcoming Events

JCUA stays busy! Join us for an upcoming committee meeting, training, special event, coalition gathering, and more.

Yom Kippur


Ometz Lev Sukkot Lunch

Sukkah in Evanston

Ometz Lev is JCUA's affinity space for those of us who have faced financial or structural barriers to participation in Jewish communal or ritual life. We are committed to channeling our […]

ICIRR People’s Congress

DePaul University, Lincoln Park Student Center 2250 N Sheffield Ave, Chicago, IL

This year's ICIRR People's Congress will bring together grassroots leaders across our immigration justice coalition at DePaul University in Lincoln Park, with breakfast and lunch included. Learning sessions will explore […]

Organizing Basics Training


Join JCUA for a condensed version of our Organizing 101 training! What do we mean when we say "power"? Why are relationships and self interest central to community organizing? What […]

Community Safety Series: Naloxone Training

Sketchpad 4411 N Ravenswood, Chicago, IL, United States

Join us for the first Community Safety Training where we will learn how to safely use Naloxone in emergencies! We are here to keep each other safe and this is […]

Bring Chicago Home 50th Ward Phonebank


Join us as we encourage 50th Ward residents to support Bring Chicago Home and call on Ald. Debra Silverstein to vote YES! We'll first have a training on the ordinance […]