Housing & Economic Justice Posts

CHA’s Lathrop Homes rehabilitation: too little, too late
Twenty-five years ago, the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) announced an ambitious plan to rehabilitate or replace 25,000 units of...

Why Bring Chicago Home makes moral — and business — sense
Chicagoans heading to the polls for the Illinois primary will find an important initiative at the end of their...

Pledge to Vote “Yes” on Bring Chicago Home
I’m a yes on Bring Chicago Home voter! Fill out this form to make your commitment to vote YES...

Jackie Rassner: “We have more power than we realize”
For our end-of-year campaign, we spoke with Jackie Rassner from our Board of Directors about her involvement with JCUA...

We won! Bring Chicago Home passes 32-17, headed to March referendum
Yesterday, our collective voice resonated through the halls of City Council as we witnessed the passage of Bring Chicago...

D’var Torah: Ki Tetze and Wealth Redistribution
This d’var torah was delivered by Anna Rubin at Rose Crown Minyan on Shabbat, August 26, 2023: It is...

Big news: Bring Chicago Home legislation updates
Following weeks of negotiations between our Bring Chicago Home coalition and Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration, we have unanimously approved changes...

Bring Chicago Home takes City Council
On Thursday, July 27, JCUA and our partners in the Bring Chicago Home coalition gathered at City Hall for...

Introducing JCUA’s Newest Affinity Space: Ometz Lev
This June, my wife and I hit an Adulting Milestone: we asked for a dues adjustment to formally join...

Dalya Lessem Elnecave on Bring Chicago Home
On Sunday, March 12, I had the honor of standing before and speaking to the Bring Chicago Home coalition...
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