Upcoming Events

JCUA stays busy! Join us for an upcoming committee meeting, training, special event, coalition gathering, and more.

Bring Chicago Home Hearing

City Hall 121 N LaSalle St, Chicago, IL

Join us for a rally in support of Bring Chicago Home followed by a hearing on our resolution in the City Councils Comittee on Housing. This will be an opportunity for members of the Bring Chicago Home campaign to speak directly to City Council about their stories and the importance of passing BCH and for [โ€ฆ]

CCPSA Meeting July 2023

Olive Harvey College 10001 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL

The Community C0mmission for Public Safety and Accountability is hosting their July meeting on Thursday, July 27 at Olive Harvey College and on Zoom.

Money Talks


Hear from Community Organizer Jimmy Rothschild about the past, present, and future of economic justice at JCUA. Register here.

Immigration Campaign Selection Meeting


Calling on everyone interested in JCUA's immigration work to join this meeting to choose our campaigns for the next year! The ICIRR coalition 2024 Campaign Selection Process will engage thousands of grassroots members across Illinois. Last year, over 50 JCUA members gave feedback, and we want to top that this year. Join this meeting to [โ€ฆ]

Kol Or August Meeting


Join the Kol Or Jews of Color Caucus for our August meeting! Register here.

Co-Governance Reimagined

Sketchpad 4411 N Ravenswood, Chicago, IL, United States

You're invited to a very special community event: "Co-Governance Reimagined." This is an opportunity for members from across JCUA to build foundational cooperative relationships with elected officials that we will use to achieve a just Chicago. We're excited that some of our closest allies in City Council and their staff are joining us for this participatory gathering. We'll discuss [โ€ฆ]

Kol Or Shabbat Dinner

Sketchpad 4411 N Ravenswood, Chicago, IL, United States

Join Kol Or for their upcoming Shabbat dinner! Register here.

Housing Justice Shabbat

Emanuel Congregation 5959 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL

Join JCUA at partner Emanuel Congregation for a Housing Justice Shabbat.

ICIRR Platform Victory Celebration

Miller Meadow- South S 1ST AVE & ROOSEVELT RD, Cook County, IL

Join JCUA and our ICIRR partners for a celebration of everything we won in Springfield this year! It'll be a fun community event, and chance to build relationships with partners. Register here.

Housing and Economic Justice Summer Potluck

Montrose Beach 4400 N Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL

EDIT: POSTPONED Join us at Montrose Beach for some fun, social time as a committee -- plus we'll share some updates about Bring Chicago Home and our other committee work. Register here.

JCUA at JRC Lakefront Shabbat

Elliott Park 1051 Lakeshore Blvd, Evanston, IL

JCUA members will be presenting about JCUA to the Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation community on Shabbat.

Ometz Lev Shabbat Dinner

Join Ometz Lev, JCUA's newest affinity space, for those who have been excluded from Jewish communal life because of structural or financial barriers, who have personal stake in housing and economic justice issues, and who want to vision together a world where all people have access to Jewish spaces. Ometz Lev is gathering for a [โ€ฆ]